These pages will be a review of the web site The owner of the site, Michael Mozina, has posted several pages promoting the completely unreasonable notion that the Sun has a solid or rigid iron surface. Most of the site is wholly unscientific nonsense. Although it appears the site's author actually believes what he's writing and promotes himself as a physicist, he is not. Not even a little bit. He's a fraud.

Running Difference Images

The nonsense starts right at the top with an image which Mozina describes as "an example of a 'running difference' image of the sun's surface revealed by the TRACE satellite using its 171 angstrom filter."

Before we get into any particulars, there is one all important point that needs to be made. Never once has Mozina attempted to make a quantitative analysis of this claim. For more than a decade he has argued, insulted, complained, and demanded that he sees a solid surface in these images. But he has never taken the time or put in the effort to objectively explain his claim. The solid/rigid surface of the Sun idea is supported exclusively by his imagination, a simple optical illusion that wouldn't fool most grade school kids. Again, Mozina has never put any numbers to his claim about running difference images.

It is indeed a running difference image, but not of any rigid iron surface on the Sun. Mozina displays a gross misunderstanding of running difference images as seen in this quote...

"The running difference imaging technique used by both NASA and Lockheed Martin have revealed to us for the first time that the sun is not simply a ball of hydrogen gas; it has a hard and rigid ferrite surface below the visible photosphere that can be seen in all of the images on this page! Each of the images was produced by NASA or Lockheed Martin so you can verify these images for yourself."

The two core problems with the notion that the image above shows an iron surface are these: A running difference image is simply a graph representing the differences between two images gathered at different times. And all the data gathered by the 171Å filter on the TRACE satellite comes from the Sun's corona, several thousand kilometers above the alleged iron surface. The claim that we can see a solid surface in this, or any running difference image for that matter, is a lie.

I will revisit this running difference image issue, and explain exactly how these graphs are made, what they actually show, and how irrational it is to use them as support for the solid surface of the Sun nonsense.

The montage below is one I made from the gold colored image posted on Mozina's web site, the top half, and a running difference image I made on the bottom. I made mine using a pair of original data images gathered by the TRACE satellite at about 16:30 and 17:00 on 2000-08-28.

It is obvious the running difference image Mozina uses to try to support his fraud was made from a pair of images acquired at very nearly the same times. Mine was created by a simple mathematical process. Add the value of 50% gray to each pixel in the second image, then subtract the value of the corresponding pixel in the first image from that. The pixel that results from that calculation is placed in that location on the output image. This is done with every pixel, and the finished product is a "running difference" graph.

I will be posting the pair of original data images soon. I'll also elaborate on the process of creating these graphs and provide some step-by-step examples in future posts.

The Surface of the Sun - Page 2

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